Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Meeting An Online Girlfriend

This story is a little embarrassing, but it's something I need to get off of my chest.

I need it out of my system and I find these boards to be a great place to exercise my need to vent.

Last month, I met a girl online.

We had played a game of Literati on yahoo games (which is basically Scrabble).

During the game, we chatted. After the game was over, she asked me if I would like to continue the conversation through IM.

I agreed.

We spent a good three hours talking that night. I got her name, age, likes, dislikes..all of the usual.

It turned out she was younger than me, but that was alright, I really don't like dating women my own age.

She liked a lot of the same movies I liked. Read some of the same books. Had similar taste in music.

But the great thing was, she only lived an hour away from me.

A couple weeks of talking, we moved on to the picture exchange.

She was a real hottie and through some miracle, she wasn't scared off by my appearance.

Another week went by. I asked her if I could meet her. She said yes, and gave me directions to a park in her town.

The next day, I drove there and found the park.

She told me she would meet me at a bench on the north end of the park. I found it, but the only person sitting there was a heavyset lady in her forties.

I was shocked when the woman called out my name.

She then identified herself as one of those "Internet Predator Hunters".

I told her that was a bit redundant and I took of running.

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