Tuesday, May 22, 2007

In Which An Old Co-Worker Updates Me On Her Life

I went to work yesterday. And there was a new girl working..

She kept glancing at me. Not in the usual, "good god he is sexy and I want his body poured all over me" way, but in the quizzical intrigued kind of way.

Like I do most of my coworkers, I ignored her and went on with my job.

A little later, she came up to me and said" Now I remember where I know you from!"

I said, "I swear, I was going to call you back, but my Uncle was killed by ninja pirates."

She laughed, one of those annoying grating laughs, and said, "No silly, we worked at Taco Bell together."

Now I worked at Taco Bell for eight years. I've seen so many people come and go through there that there is enough of them to keep Paris Hilton busy for a month.

So, this girl I do not remember at all.

So I tell her, "Yeah, that's right. Say, how have you been?"

She says, "Well, the last time you saw me, I had two kids. Now I have four."

I say, "What a coincidence, that rhymes with whore!"

Now of course, she gets upset. And she runs off to the boss.

The boss comes over to yell at me and I defend myself by mentioning that this girl is only twenty and has already pushed a Barbershop Quartet out of her all-access hole.

She screams, "I love my boyfriend!"

I say, " I love macaroni and cheese, but I don't eat it every day!"*

I love my job.

* Thanks Groucho.

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