Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Kicked Out Of Hot Topic

I decided to check out Hot Topic. Actually, I wanted to see if they had some Aqua Teen figures.

I head to the back and see some toys lined up on the wall.

And some passed out chick lying in front of said wall.

The employee on duty and a couple of other people were gathered around her.

I didn't catch what really happened to her, because I really didn't care.

I asked the people around her if they could move her so I could look at the toys.

They got upset and asked me if I was being a tad insensitive.

I told them I get the majority of pop-culture references, but even I didn't know who Tad Insensitive was.

They didn't find it funny..

Well, I could tell they weren't going to move her, so I asked them to move and I would just step around her.

The employee got up and told me to leave.

I told them, Fine, I didn't want to buy their stupid products anyway.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Hah, that's hilarious. What Hot Topic where you at?

Just curious.