Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Crunchwrap

I used to work in a hellhole once called Taco Bell

I recall a crew meeting we had there one time.

It was to discuss the onslaught we have had of Cruchwrap orders.

You see, there is a timer for the Drive-Thru. When the car sitting at the pick-up window has been there for over a minute and fifteen seconds, the timer starts beeping until the car leaves.

With the Crunchwrap, the Drive-thru times had not been very good.

They take longer to make than most items and they became the most popular item.

Our goal during this crew meeting was to determine the best way to deal with the times by making the Crunchwraps faster or more efficient.

One of the more popular ideas brought forward was to keep ahead on the Crunchwraps during a rush by always having two extra chrunchwraps available.

That is make two crucnchwraps before the rush starts and when somebody orders one, give them the pre-made one and make another one...keeping ahead.

My idea wasn't so popular.

I thought the best idea would be to deter people from ordering the Chrunchwrap.

I suggested that we get a bunch of puppies and everytime somebody orders a Chruchwrap, we snap a puppies neck right in front of them.

Nobody really talked to me for the rest of the day.

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