Yet more proof that some women can get too emotional when it comes to certain situations.
A few days ago, my cousin got news that her husband lost his life while fighting in Iraq.
Today was the memorial service.
Now, my parents made me go, because she was family and needed our support.
I would have rather stayed home and slept, but oh well. There was going to be free food.
We got to the service and there was much crying and whatnot.
I did my best to avoid my crappy family, but it was still inevitable.
After a while, we all sat down to listen to family talk about the dude. I hardly knew the guy so I really didn't care.
Then my cousin began to talk.
She went on and on, talking about how much her dead husband loved this country and died defending our freedoms keeping us safe.
That was it, I had enough.
I stood up and said, "He didn't die doing any of that stuff. He died in a crappy, unnescesary war. We are not over there fighting terrorists who would attack America, we are over there fighting for George Bush's personal reasons. You want to see true patriotism, watch this!"
I then took one of the little American flags that was on the memorial wreath and I took my lighter out and burned it.
If I had thought my cousin was being super-emo before, she really it the all time high on the emo scale then.
After I was thrown out, my parents made sure to tell me what a disappointment I was.
I didn't even want to be there.
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