Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Eating Out

My friends and I decide to go to this China Buffet restaurant that everybody in my town has been raving about.

We find a table and head over to the buffet.

Halfway through our meal, this overweight, ugly as sin woman comes up to the table.

Now, I'm eating Chinese food and this is the last thing I want to be seeing.

She begins mumbling at me and finally spits out that she wants my phone number.

Since this fugly bitch had the nerve to interrupt my dinner and the conversation I was having with my friends, I wasn't going to let her down easy.

I tell her, "There is no chance in hell you are getting my number. Wait a second, let me put it another way, if you were the last female on earth, I would go gay."

Her eyes begin to water. We watched her go back to her table, grab her plate, and load up on the buffet.

She sits down and starts pigging out. I damn near lost my appetite.

But that's not all.

A minute later, her friend comes charging over to our table.

Now the friend is hot.

She gets in my face and says, "You insensitive prick!"

I said, "No, you just have to lick the bottom of the head."

She goes off on a rant.

"Don't you get smart with me. Your giggling friends here might think you are cute, but I think you are an ugly man. How dare you say those things to her. We get her confidence built up to ask you out and you stomp all over her. She has an eating disorder! She finds comfort in food and now we won't be able to stop her. It's guys like you that just make me sick!"

I respond with, "You are even sexier when you are angry."

She then performs the ultimate "angry at dinner" cliche and throws a glass of water in my face.

As I'm cleaning off my face, I see that angry **bleep** went to the bathroom.

I got up and went over to the fugly bitch.

I whispered in her ear, "Before your friend went off on that little rant, she told me she didn't blame me for turning you down and said she would have sex with me if I allowed her to cause that scene."

The restaurant ended up charging her for two buffet dinners.


Anonymous said...

Hahaahaahahahahaa oh fuck that is awesome. A dick move but fucking awesome

Nicole said...

Seriously men like you, oh wait let me rephrase that for you, little boys like you should be very ashamed of yourselves. I believe that you posting this and trying to make it sound kewl and funny, was just a childish and jerk move on your behalf. God forbid that one day you get treated the way that you treated that woman. It's childish a-holes like you that give all men a bad name. Ef you and your shallow a** attitude. I don't one bit find this entry funny. I have one last thing to say to you. "What goes around, comes around" Get your head out of your anus and join the real world buddy. Treat others as you want to be treated. So while you are getting no action in your shallow little world of yours remember that the nice guy gets the girl and the a-hole (you) goes home to jerk it alone.

Unknown said...

Your experiment worked.You got someone to respond to you. Now what?