Saturday, October 11, 2014

A Spat With A Feminist

Had an incident at work yesterday.

During the summer, this new chick got hired on at the restaurant I work at. Average looking girl, but a total bitch. Her name is Rebecca.

Almost immediately after starting,  she started giving us instructions on how to act around her. Turns out, she one of these feminazi types. She tells us us how we have to be sensitive around her because she was sexually assaulted one time, how we need to stop using "gender specific pronouns" when talking to or about her. Blah blah blah.

I didn't much care, since I wouldn't be dealing with her too much, since I worked in the kitchen and she was a waitress.

So, yesterday, I was in the break room talking to my coworker about Grand Theft Auto V and the updated editions they'll be releasing next month. We got to talking about our favorite parts, and I mentioned the part where when you switch over to Trevor, you may find him waking up next to Floyd, apparently having raped him during the night.

During the conversation, Rebecca had arrived for her shift and was putting her coat on the rack. So, she heard everything I said. This made her upset.

She said, "You need to warn me when you are talking about something that might upset me. And rape is one of things."

I said, "Well, I wasn't talking to you. So, TFB."

She said, "You need to give me a Trigger Warning when you're talking about that stuff, whether it's to me or not. Just overhearing it is enough to set me off."

She walked out of the break room and started her shift.

What she had said to me really stuck in my craw.  I only had 2 hours left on my shift and I though I should just let it go, but it ticked me off the more I thought about it.

About an half an hour after the confrontation, she comes back into the kitchen to tell me she needed an order remade.

I said, "Yes, mam!"

She gave me an angry look and I smiled, knowing I ticked her off. A few minutes later, she came back.

She said, "I've told you, do not use gender specific terms with me. I am not here as a female, I am here as your coworker."

I responded with this: "When you get home tonight and get on Tumblr, I want you to tell all of your Social Justice Warrior friends that today was a historic day. Because today marks the first time in the history of mankind that a woman was told. 'Get out of the kitchen.'"

She stormed out of the kitchen and went to the manager's office. She was in their for a few minutes.

Right before my shift was over, the manager called me in. He gave me a written warning over my conduct. Now i was the angry one.

I got in my car and went home. But I was not going to let it slide.

Before the restaurant closed, I bought a Halloween mask at a drug store and drove to the parking lot next to the restaurant.

I got out and hid behind the dumpsters that are located near the employee parking area.

I put on the mask and waited.

Like usual,  she was the first one of the night crew to leave.

I waited ti she got to her car and I jumped out and yelled "TRIGGER WARNING!" And then ran at her.

She screamed and jumped into her car and sped off like a bat out of hell.

I didn't stop laughing until an hour after I got home.


Anonymous said...

Did you die after that you asshole?

Virtual Satyr said...

Yes I did.

Anonymous said...

that was actually pretty funny.