This morning, I decided to go to Wal-Mart to pick up a classic controller for my Nintendo Wii.
When I pulled into the parking lot, I spotted an empty space next to the handicap spaces. Nice and close to the building.
I made my way towards it, and sure enough, another car managed to take it before I did.
I found a spot all the way in the back and walked up to the store. That's when I saw the car that took my spot.
It had handicap tags. And there were plenty of handicap spaces open.
The driver was this old woman, who was still getting out of the car.
When she finally got out, I spoke to her.
"Excuse me mam, but there are plenty of handicap spots available, why don't you use one of them? I kinda wanted that spot"
She looked at me, the way old people do when they are trying to remember who you are or what they were doing a minute ago, then she answered.
"I thought this was a handicap spot. My mind isn't what it once was. It's close enough"
Like a turtle that had been sedated, she slowly made her way inside.
Needless to say, I was furious. It is my strong belief that old people should not be allowed to drive. And the fact that she completely blew off the fact that she stole my spot was even more frustrating.
I went inside and grabbed a controller. I went to go pay for it, but I spotted the old woman again.
Just seeing her, going about her shopping as though she did no wrong to anybody, got me fuming even more.
She had to pay. I looked at the controller in my hand and back at the old hag. I knew what I had to do.
I walked over to her, grabbed some random item off the shelf, and tapped her on the shoulder.
She turned around and looked at me. No recognition on her face whatsoever.
I held up the item I grabbed and said, "Excuse me mam, you dropped."
As she stared at it, trying to decide of she had dropped it or not, I tossed the controller into her cart. She was completely unaware.
She took the item from me, threw it in her cart, and thanked me.
I was able to hold in my laughter.
I followed her. She took about 45 minutes to shop, then she finally made her way to the cash register.
I got behind, and helped her unload her cart. She thanked me and said it was nice to meet such a nice young man.
I wanted to say, "And it's nice to meet such an old thoughtless hag", but I just grinned and nodded.
She paid for all of her items, and mine, got her bags into her cart and made her way out to the car.
I stood at the entrance and watched her load he bags into car, then I approached her once again.
"Excuse me mam, the cashier accidently put something of mine into one of your bags."
She said, "Oh my" and invited me to look through her bags.
I fished out my controller and said thank you.
Sure, she's never going to know what happened, but I made her pay. And that's all that matters.